Wednesday, June 1, 2011

cute i love you quotes for him

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  • Windowsrefugee
    Apr 24, 12:21 AM
    1. 4G (3G) modem so I don't have to carry around my VZW dongle
    2. Even better battery life
    3. More memory

    I don't care so much about backlit keyboard as I really want longer battery life and can always tilt screen forward a little to see keyboard.

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  • Peace
    Mar 26, 04:06 PM
    Just because their demeanor is civil does not mean their exchange is.

    STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
    ERIC: Yes.

    Are you saying Steve is the new Man In Black from Lost ? :p

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  • philitup23
    Jan 6, 04:55 PM
    I had to delete the Facebook app and reinstall for the push notification options to come up on my phone. Did try restarting the phone before that but made little difference.

    Thanks...I was wondering why nothing was being pushed through

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  • djellison
    Mar 22, 10:09 AM
    Dude, seriously, it's $499. That's $100 more than a crappy netbook ...

    ...that has a proper keyboard. A larger screen. A 160 or maybe 250 or even 500 gb hard drive. multiple USB ports, vga and maybe even HDMI. Can multitask, run the Office apps the business world actually uses, play any movie format including HD content, DIvx, H264 etc, browse the web with Safari. Or Firfox. Or Opera. With flash...that works.

    Compared to a 'Crappy' netbook, even the cheap iPad is very expensive.

    I may very well get one, entirely depending on how well it plays video, and how well it manages and displays PDF's. But lets not pretend it's cheap, or even reasonably priced, compared to Netbooks.


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  • ftaok
    Apr 1, 01:34 PM
    You clearly haven't left the US much. MOST other countries offer programming ala carte, and it works fine and is almost always about a buck a channel. It basically turns into you getting a bunch of the nonsense like home shopping free with subscription of 10 channels... television in the US is so regulated, taxes, and expensive because of things like ESPN and Disney having such a dominance on the providers, this country is f'd...What they do in other countries has nothing to do with how they would do it in the USA. Do you seriously think the cable companies would introduce a choice where they stand to lose money? There's no way, unless the FCC forced them, that this would happen.

    Also, $1/channel is way too low. Just because you can get 10 channels for $60, doesn't mean each channel would be priced at 60 cents. IIRC, a popular channel like ESPN costs the cable provider $4/subscriber ... and that's with Disney forcing the whole ABC/ESPN/Disney package of channels onto the cable co.

    If ALC does happen, I would guess that most people would pay the same or more than they currently do. A small percentage may pay less, but it really depends on what channels they pick (and whether those channels survive).

    And how is that a con? The reason cable companies say they charge so much is because they give 100s of channels. If there were only 40, they couldn't hide behind that.It's a con when channels that focus on specific programming are forced to close up or offer the same old crap that everyone else does. For instance, a channel like BET may not survive to provide focused programming to the African American community because they would likely lose over half their subscriber base.

    And since when is the goal of business to protect the undesirable? If 10 chain restaurants open in your town and nobody eats at 2 of them, should the other 8 raise their prices and give the overage to the 2 nobody likes? No, the 2 should shut down. No sense in having a business if nobody wants the business. Cable channels are a business.This isn't the goal of diverse television programming. Take a look at Obama's position on ALC. This is what I'm referring to.

    As for letting the less popular networks whither, I do see this as a con. Networks will need to appeal to a broader audience in order to compete. Get ready for 15 channels showing the same formuliac sitcom. 20 channels of reality TV shows. 10 channels of daytime/social talk shows. 15 channels of sports. And 13 channels of news. No room for channels like History Channel or Discovery Health ... as they'll morph into a TNT or SpikeTV.

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  • DaveTheGrey
    Nov 14, 03:05 PM
    Well, let's see... the Zune comes out today. The iPod has been out for about 5 years (?) now. So it took Apple 5 years to have them integrate with airplanes. Shame on Apple for not innovating quicker. Shame, shame, shame. And shame on MS for not innovating quicker too. The Zune's only been out, what,... a few hours and it still can't integrate with planes? Shame on MS. :rolleyes:

    Seriously.... what's with all this Zune bashing? This story isn't even about the Zune, yet someone just had to post something about it. I'm not defending MS or anyone. It's just that I get's pretty redundant when everyone praises Apple and bashes on everyone else (especially MS), like Apple can do no wrong. I bet you haven't even played with a Zune yet. It's like people who say they don't like Japanese food or something. And when asked if they've tried it, they say no. How the hell do you know whether you like somethinig or not when you haven't even tried it yet?

    Apple fan boys...... :rolleyes:

    i can tell you:
    ms has stolen 13 years of my life with bluescreens and driver installations and because ms won't pay me for the time i spent having fun with their "os" i just love to laugh about their try to copy apple and fail, as they did for the last 20 years.


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  • scelzifan
    Dec 5, 11:49 AM
    I would bet by the time Apple gets done with him he will probably be broke. Assuming that is where the stolen goods are coming from, i would assume it's their property he is selling. To bad.

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  • Xeperu
    Apr 28, 02:29 PM
    Race is irrelevant to sane people. It's achievement that counts.

    On that note, I believe racism should be legal and protected under law by those who wish to rely on ancient notions of race.

    Not everyone is equal, but race is not the factor of inequality, and in that sense a successful "black person" is worth a whole lot more than a useless good for nothing "white person"


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  • Tha Professor
    Mar 24, 05:09 AM
    Only 4 bucks?? Why don't all stereos have it already?? I would get an airplay enabled player even if i hadnt had any apple product in my house, just that my friends could use it from time to time... (too bad they dont sell ATVs in my country...)

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  • runeapple
    Mar 26, 03:22 PM
    He rich, yet he wears the same thing every day?

    Maybe he spent all his money on iPads?


    cute i love you quotes for him. CUTE I LOVE YOU QUOTES FOR HIM

  • Angelo95210
    Apr 24, 05:21 AM
    Intel i3 or i5 CPU.

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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 06:01 AM
    Now that is something to lol at :p

    I bet it will come in the next 2 years ;)


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  • cube
    May 3, 10:48 AM
    - AMD Fusion
    - gigabit ethernet (built-in)
    - FireWire (built-in)
    - DisplayPort 1.2

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  • b0blndsy
    Feb 26, 01:57 AM
    You're already dead. You only appear on forums. Go run naked in the streets. No one will able to see you. ;)

    a big LOL


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  • ScottishDuck
    Mar 27, 06:29 AM
    Two CEOs discussing business in an open area is clearly not a publicity stunt :rolleyes:

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  • renewed
    Dec 27, 07:23 PM
    Interesting. I wonder if it's just a warehouse shortage for that area or carrier struggle?

    Seems fraud is the reason from what that rep said in the chat. Maybe we have started to solve the mystery to this thread ( ;)


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  • ibrainch
    Oct 26, 09:57 PM
    anyone know if you can sync pics from addressbook to the one on .mac - seems like there is a space for them but can't figure out how, thanks.

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  • theneweyes
    Feb 26, 05:10 PM
    Where's Bill Gates?

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  • sananda
    Oct 26, 12:37 PM
    i'm here. where are you all? no t-shirt for sananda :(

    Jul 13, 04:53 AM
    So can I put one of these new SDXC cards in the back and use that as my boot drive while maintaining the internal HD for data storage?
    Would that be better than an SSD?No. The maximum interface speed for SD cards � that's UHS-I at 104 MB/s � is slower than most SSDs. (Well, slower than SSDs you would want to use as a boot drive.)

    Apr 21, 01:28 PM
    4S. I like the name, and it makes sense to keep continuity with the previous naming scheme (3GS). I guess we'll see a true iPhone 5 next summer.But then they would have to call it the iPhone 6.

    Mar 23, 06:44 PM
    awesome weaponized imacs.

    Thinner, lighter iPhones wouldn't go astray. Unibody kevlar iPhones and Macs? That would be neat.

    ender land
    Apr 8, 10:31 PM
    You know, I wish congress and everyone involved in this process would somehow realize money doesn't grow on trees and that running at an operating loss of nearly 33% is, ah, not the best way to ensure longterm longevity and is a bad financial strategy.

    I just do not think politicians get this. Maybe because they can more or less print money at a whim?

    50 billion in cuts is still barely 5% of the budget deficit. I guess it'll be a hard one to do considering the bulk of federal spending is defense, pensions/healthcare, and welfare. Those are all sacred cow spending sources to one of the two parties.

    I'd love to see someone from the republican party make a challenge/promise to cut 10% from the defense budget if democrats were able to cut 10% from healthcare (either via premiums or other means) or vice versa from a democrat. Compromise is about both sides conceding something. Not demanding the other side give in 100%. It seems the majority of politicians can only do the latter.

    Feb 25, 02:33 PM
    (like Ubuntu vs Ubuntu Server, server is just additional software.)

    Let's say that the desktop and the server editions are DIFFERENT software. Ubuntu is a desktop OS with a full graphical user interface and Ubuntu Server is a full server platform WITHOUT ANY graphical user interface. Repeat: no GUI at all, leave your mouse at home, you won't be needing it. Instead, Ubuntu Server comes with options to be installed as a cloud server, a LAMP stack or for other typical server-only tasks like file and print or database or directory services.

    But you are right that both Ubuntu versions use the same repositories and that with sufficient work one can eventually do what the other does or be configured to become the other edition; they are just pre-packaged for completely different uses.

    While on the other hand, the OS X client before Lion could never become a full OS X server, at least not when you wanted to replicate or use Apple's proprietary server software and tools on the desktop version of the OS.

    When I first read about, I still thought that they would be releasing another version of OS X server. But then I visited Apple's website and their wording didn't leave much room for interpretation: Yes, whatever server features Apple wants to save are now becoming a part of the standard package of OS X Lion. There won't be a separate server edition anymore.

    And it makes sense. They buried their server business, so they don't need to develop, market, ship and support a separate server OS anymore.

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