Friday, June 3, 2011

friend wallpaper

friend wallpaper. When You Walked Into my LIFE
  • When You Walked Into my LIFE

  • Sharky II
    Sep 25, 10:54 AM
    Um, no it doesn't Fuji S1, S2, S3 RAW Files are not supported. This camera is used by more wedding photographers than any other.

    indeed. and if medium format cameras with digital backs aren't considered 'pro' cameras (worth more than more peoples cars just for the camera and digi back) then i don't know what is

    friend wallpaper. happy tree friends wallpaper
  • happy tree friends wallpaper

  • kurono
    Mar 28, 04:59 PM
    Did anyone else notice the font used on the invitation is not Lucida Sans?

    Do you recognize it?

    friend wallpaper. -friendship-wallpaper
  • -friendship-wallpaper

  • SactoGuy18
    Nov 14, 12:53 PM
    99 bottles of beer on the wall,
    99 bottles of beer.
    If one of those bottles should happen to fall,
    98 bottles of beer on the wall.

    98 bottles of beer on the wall...


    Funny you should mention that because one time I actually sang the song and it took about 25 minutes for me to do it all the way through. :D But that's only just over two segments of an ESPN Radio show podcast....

    (By the way, I always remember the third line as "Take one down, pass it around.")

    But getting back on topic, :) I think this is a great idea. Especially if you listen to long podcasts like I do that can take about way over an hour per podcast. It'll be great for long cross-country flights, that's to be sure.

    friend wallpaper. Posted by Masyu at 06:06
  • Posted by Masyu at 06:06

  • mulletman13
    Sep 1, 02:31 AM
    I got 9A2439 from my University's seeding server, while the one released to devs at WWDC was 9A2441... but nevertheless this updated to 9A2441e.

    Upon rebooting I noticed everything was a bit snappier and some minor bugs were fixed. 10.5 is running really speedy... damn near 10.4 or dare I say... faster?


    friend wallpaper. Funeral For A Friend wallpaper
  • Funeral For A Friend wallpaper

  • deanooh
    Jan 9, 10:37 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Not a good move. I travel around the us and for rural (Ennis, TX 2G or none) or too many users , not enough bandwidth areas (south beach, Miami ) this would be a disaster. I'll stick with my navigon. Not to mention overseas when you shut off your DATA access to not get billed $1000 for data usage. MTS

    friend wallpaper. friendship wallpaper.
  • friendship wallpaper.

  • MistaBungle
    Feb 18, 02:53 PM
    I'm very glad he looks healthy in that photo. Get well Steve.


    friend wallpaper. Any one onle my friend
  • Any one onle my friend

  • Consultant
    May 5, 10:56 AM
    Oh and it falsely compares the fast MacBook Air to snail netbooks.

    Apple definitely has the coolness going and the "halo" affect from its iPhone and iPads but in this tough economic time. Its hard to 30% and more for a Mac and you're not getting any much different in terms of hardware (other then a glowing apple logo)

    WRONG. OS X is worth its value.

    Good luck getting magsafe and other Apple exclusive features on a PC.

    friend wallpaper. wallpaper emo kiss
  • wallpaper emo kiss

  • mad jew
    Sep 17, 10:13 PM
    In your case, it's just inaccurate. Shouldn't it be "Lick my nano"? :D

    I'd try to argue back but I've seen your photo in the pictures threads and I just don't have the balls. :(


    friend wallpaper. happy tree friends wallpaper
  • happy tree friends wallpaper

  • callme
    Apr 5, 10:10 AM
    The button on the MacBook trackpad is still a physical button; it's just that the entire trackpad clicks, rather than a small area at the bottom.

    Yes but you do not need to use it as a physical button.
    You can use the MacBook 100% without EVER clicking the physical button.
    The trackpad can be setup in System Preferences to respond to a touch as a click rather than a physical click. That is the way I have used it from days one and I have no issues with it at all.

    friend wallpaper. Best Friends Wallpapers, Best
  • Best Friends Wallpapers, Best

  • caspersoong
    May 3, 05:52 AM
    Steve Jobs should come back to beef up quality control.


    friend wallpaper. My friend ganesha 2
  • My friend ganesha 2

  • Rodimus Prime
    Jun 14, 06:56 PM
    about time they put in built in wifi on it.

    friend wallpaper. friend cute Wallpaper,
  • friend cute Wallpaper,

  • dcv
    Oct 26, 12:14 PM
    so who's got a tshirt then?


    friend wallpaper. Friends Wallpaper Friendship
  • Friends Wallpaper Friendship

  • zMudvayne
    Apr 30, 12:19 PM
    So, how long does GameStop take to send the beta code? I just preordered... wish I could start the download while I'm waiting for the code...

    friend wallpaper. A Furry Friend wallpaper
  • A Furry Friend wallpaper

  • BenRoethig
    Oct 30, 11:34 AM

    Macworld posted an article on the subject today. You can read it with the link above. I'm going to post a couple comments from the article by Adobe's John Nack.

    Nack offers a different point of view. From his perspective, if Apple hadn�t switched to Intel processors, Soundbooth might very likely be a Windows application only. Apple�s migration to the Intel chip architecture �makes Mac development more attractive,� said Nack.

    �Here�s the reality: Apple�s migration to Intel chips means that it�s easier to develop for both Mac and Windows, because instead of splitting development resources optimizing for two different chip architectures, you can focus on just one,� he wrote.

    This is why the PowerPC machines need to go as quickly as everyone can buy an Intel machine. Making a intel only Mac Application is cheaper and less time consuming for the developer and is able to take advantage of any code optimization for the x86 platform. That makes it more likey that we'll get better software products and applications we normally wouldn't get. To be frank, developers had absolutely no reason to optimize PPC applications. The platform is too small to warrant it.

    The follow snippet is something the platform as a whole should take note of. It should be pretty self explanatory.

    Nack � a professed �die-hard� Mac user � also refers to �that vocal little group of zealots and forum trolls� he sees as particularly damaging to Mac users� reputations as a whole.

    �You�re hurting the Mac platform. You�re hurting the Mac community. You need to crush a little aluminum foil against those antennae of yours, because you�re hurting everyone concerned. You�re making it harder (and less appealing) for people of goodwill to make the effort to support the Mac,� he said.


    friend wallpaper. Clouds and Planets – Wallpaper
  • Clouds and Planets – Wallpaper

  • MonkeySee....
    Mar 28, 08:18 AM
    I can't upgrade my phone untill sept so if they can hold off the release of the iPhone 5 i'd be super greatful :D

    friend wallpaper. friendship wallpaper.
  • friendship wallpaper.

    Nov 14, 09:15 PM
    Are you interested in taking over the project? There is a position available! :D

    wow, I don't know what to say, I mean I want to, but I'm sure you hear a lot that I'm very busy until early December when classes end. I might take a look at it tonight though to see if it's more than I can chew (it probably is :p )


    friend wallpaper. friendship wallpapers for
  • friendship wallpapers for

  • jessica.
    Dec 9, 11:45 PM
    Yes, R.I.P. Elizabeth and stay classy Babipsts (

    friend wallpaper. and friendship. wallpaper
  • and friendship. wallpaper

  • Krafty
    Sep 1, 04:23 PM
    I'm enjoying this feature, I'm one of the people who are picky about who I add. I know everyone on my list, the only thing is the people who I don't see are high school friends who go to other colleges that I keep in touch with.

    Since my college crew always goes on food runs, we only tag places where we are eating or if we are at the campus. That way people can get pissed if they missed the food run and can come join us.

    friend wallpaper. friendship wallpaper.
  • friendship wallpaper.

  • logandzwon
    Feb 25, 07:58 AM
    It looks to me they ARE basically killing server...

    From what I see they are migrating the server features they've built in the past into an optional module for the base OS. (like Ubuntu vs Ubuntu Server, server is just additional software.)

    Nov 14, 12:12 PM
    six airlines will begin offering their passengers iPod seat connections which power and charge their iPods during flight and allow the video content on their iPods to be viewed on the their seat back displays.

    that's stupid! why would the person behind me want to watch my videos!? They shouldn't put the video on the seatback of iPod connected passengers, they should put it on the seatback of the passenger in front of them!!

    Sep 1, 02:39 AM
    I got 9A2439 from my University's seeding server, while the one released to devs at WWDC was 9A2441... but nevertheless this updated to 9A2441e.

    Upon rebooting I noticed everything was a bit snappier and some minor bugs were fixed. 10.5 is running really speedy... damn near 10.4 or dare I say... faster?

    Apple has a history of that... making their OS'es run faster than the previous one on the same hardware. At least that's what my experience has been with Panther, Tiger and Leopard preview.

    When I bought my Powerbook G4 3 years ago, it came with Panther, then I upgraded to Tiger and it seemed to run much faster... much more responsive. After its hard drive died, I sold it and repaced it with a MacBook Pro with Tiger pre-installed and now that I am running on Leopard, it's running just as fast and sometimes even faster than Tiger. I am very pleased.*:)

    May 2, 03:31 PM
    Birth rates have fallen dramatically and the explosion of diabetes and other modern ills in countries like Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, the UAE, etc. means things will change simply because they have to. Although social inequality will remain as long as kings and dictators or republicans are in charge.

    Fixed it for you ;)

    Mar 31, 01:07 PM
    I'm not sure if it was the 10.6.3 or the iPhoto update, but iPhoto now recognizes faces. yay!

    Oct 9, 04:16 PM
    hm, wait, people don't already download movies??

    **hides torrents**

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